Thessaloniki smiles at Fikardos Wines

The International Wine Competition of Thessaloniki rewards outstanding wine effort by Fikardos Winery

Grand Gold Thessaloniki fikardos cabernetThe results from judging were annouced at the awards ceremony celebrated during the detrop Oenos event on the occasion of the Helexpo in Thessaloniki, where Cyprus Wines distinguished themselves, where Fikardos Cabernet Sauvignon topped the classification with Grand Gold medal among other Cyprus Wine participants Sodap and Keo Commandaria and Kolios wines which obtained gold. Fikardos shares Grand Gold distinction with wineries from the Peloponese and Crete also in the red wine category.
The awards ceremony was  held Saturday, March 9, 2013 in Thessaloniki organised by the  Wine Producers Association of the Northern Greece Vineyard which operates according to OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) standard for International Wine and Spiritious Beverages of Vitivinicultural Origin Competitions.


Fikardos Winery elaborates Regional Wines from Paphos under leadership of Theo Fikardos in Mesogi, Paphos.

Cyprus Wine: A Mediterranean Quintessence

Cyprus can be known its amalgam of flavors distilled and interlaced for centuries anchored in the cultural pot of the eastern Mediterranean.

An inspiration of tastes from different culinary traditions in the Eastern Mediterranean basin; Cyprus has influences from Greece, Turkey, Lebanon & Syria and with clear traces from from Egypt, Southern Italy, France, and Spain.

cyprus-wines-experience-taste.jpg Beyond the fruit of the wild abundance of natural ingredients that the generous soils of Cyprus withhold, it’s undeniable that the island bears the gift of goodness.
It is therefore only natural that Cyprus Wines breathes this heritage, and serves as a unique platform for tasty experiences.

Gladly, we are not alone in sharing this belief, thus the present effort through the Cyprus Wine Project is made to agglutinate the best in Winemaking from Cyprus with the hope sharing aspirations and exceeding expectations in taste and experiences

It is not without countless collaborations, do we hope to achieve this purpose and hope that you join us in this Journey.

Thank you for your visit.

commandaria Cyprus wine gold

Commandaria – golden lining of Cyprus Wine

‘L’incontournable’ of Cyprus Wines

Stars are never dormant, otherwise we would never know of them.

Such is Commandaria wine, the classic style of fortified wine from Cyprus, perceived as a dormant gem yet with a reputation anchored in history, whose quality remains defiant to all modern still wines made on the island.

The Golden standard set by Commandaria, as judged annually in competitions, is today not only a  standard in wine making but also one of wine appreciation, a unique taste that has resisted yesterday’s rush for homogenization and market standardization by maintaining the innate qualities that are borne out from the sun, the vineyards and a wine making process that is authentically Cypriot.

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Taste to a Wine Journey with character while in Cyprus

Can you picture a Journey of 5000 years of Winemaking tradition?

It’s only too often that an industry employs itself to modernize itself and sometimes at the expense of valuing its heritage and enhancing the past.

The efforts of consolidated work with international varieties has been accomplished and if we’re to judge by the outstanding results from the 7th Annual awards, vinification of traditional indigenous varieties as Maratheftiko (for red and rosé wines) and the white grape Xynisteri have experimented a renewed interest for a promising future.   Continue reading

Cyprus Wine Awards distinguishes Cyprus Wine Products Council Mission

In it’s 7th year edition, the Cyprus Wine Competition held during April 25-27, has consolidated itself as the launch pad for quality wines in Cyprus.

Cyprus Gold Awards - 7th Wine competitionAt the award ceremony last night,  while addressing invited authorities, winemakers, international judges and distinguished guests, Mr. Ionnides, deputy director of the Cyprus Wine Products Council, highlighted the importance of the competition as a lauch pad for Cyprus Wines but also as a demonstration of strict quality from the guiding rules of blind tastings as specified by the cannons of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, OIV. Continue reading